Why artificial grass is so wonderful

One of the best things that I ever did was to get artificial turf, almost fifteen years ago. Before then I tried to grow grass in a tiny area that got a lot of shade, and it was a mess, year after year.

Now calm down there, I'm not selling anything - I just feel as if I wanna twang a sad guitar when I see people who have this kind of space and don't take advantage of it. I've seen waaaay too many backyards that are just a bunch of dirt, a few sprigs of dead grass, and various household pieces of junk that really should have been hauled away to the dump years ago. Or, what seems to me to be even worse, everything paved over reflecting the heat and making life in the backyard just about unbearable.

I've had this artificial turf since 2006, and it still looks great. Obviously it doesn't need watering, or mowing, and all I do is to wander out every once in a while with a small battery-powered blower, and blow some of the leaves away. Artificial turf tends to look more realistic with some leaves on it, so that's my excuse for being lazy quite often.

And it's amazingly realistic. I've had people over here who walked on it and didn't believe that it was artificial until they reached down and touched it with their hand. And no, of course it's not as cool as real grass would be (it's plastic after all) but it's a whole lot cooler than concrete, or pavers.

OK, now I'm sounding like a commercial, and I don't mean to be. I just like my little backyard, and my little dog, and my artificial turf. So get yourself some artificial turf, have it installed professionally, and make your backyard a tropical paradise. I also recommend having at least one dachshund, if at all possible!


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