Planing petunias in December

Yes, you can plant petunias in December in the Phoenix, Arizona area. In fact, you can plant annuals all winter long. You need have no concern at all that it will get too cold. In fact, it's still getting to 80 now, so keep them watered!

It's the first week of December here at The Tropical Paradise and I noticed that the area just above Scorpion Rock was looking a little, well, empty. The daffodils are starting to grow, but in the meantime, there seemed to be a lot of dirt.

I had planned on being patient, but I found myself at K-Mart today while I was with a friend and I impulsively bought some petunias. And here are some tricks that I have found handy:

• Look for a weed. It's an old farmer's trick. A weed means that it's a great place for a plant already. Just replace the weed with the plant you want.

• Add in some moisture crystals and plant food. I bought a bag of potting soil but it's not really necessary for a plant like this. Annuals like water and do best when they are well-fed, so don't just plop them in dry ground with nothing to eat. How would you like that?

• Water. A lot. I filled up the planting hole with water. I added more water after I planted. I will go back and gently press around the planting area to be sure that there are no air pockets, and I will water. Again.

Petunias make a nice tropical medium-sized flowering ground cover. As usual, buy them small, and care for them. Once established, this small plant will cover this whole area.


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