Roof construction in my neighborhood

It looks like everyone is getting their roof replaced here in Glendale. The hail storm did a lot of damage, but the new roofs on all of the houses are brightening everything up! The noise of pounding nails, etc. is upsetting to Macintosh, the good little wiener dog, but she is getting used to it.

As you can see, the cannas are coming back strong. There is a lot of new growth on the palm trees, too. The artificial turf is now five years old and still looks great. Best investment I ever made! I can leave the lawn furniture and the yoga mat on the grass because, well, it isn't grass!

The neighbor who is getting the new roof had a beautiful ficus tree in their yard that got killed in the frost of 2007. So, their roof is my view, and it looks like it is going to get a little better!


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