Daffodils in bloom at the Tropical Paradise

It's early March and the weather in Glendale, Arizona, is just starting to warm up. It's been a very rainy winter, which is good for the flowers. I planted a bunch of daffodils last fall and they are doing great. Daffodils like water in the winter but the cycads don't, so the bulbs are planted in little depressions in the ground and the cycads sit up higher so that the water can drain.

In this picture you can see from left to right, Dioon edule var. palma sola - that's the bluish one just at the end of the flagstone walk. Behind it is a Mediterranean Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis). The dark green cycad is a cycas revoluta (sometimes referred to as a "sago palm") and the big blue cycad at the far right of the picture is a Dioon spinulosum.


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