February rain in the desert

It's February 20th, and there is a light rain falling right now. It's a gentle rain, what I have always called a "Christmas rain", which is typical for winter here in the Sonoran Desert. There are two rainy seasons, one in winter, and one in summer. The summer rains are violent thunderstorms, however.

Contrary to popular belief, a desert isn't defined by heat, it's defined by dryness. The Sonoran Desert is pretty much what people imagine when they think of a desert, blazing heat in the summer, and very, very dry. But because of the rains that we do get, it's a beautiful desert. If you've ever looked at the photos of "Arizona Highways" magazine, you know what I mean. Just west of here, in California, the desert is much drier, less colorful, and more bland.

This should be the last of the winter rains. My plan is to plant my new sago palm (cycas revoluta) after the weather warms up. This rain is falling on it out in the courtyard in the pot, and is helping to soften up its planting hole in the backyard. I take this as a blessing from above!

Excuse me now, I'm going to go watch the rain. We really don't get much of it here.


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