Planting daffodil bulbs in Phoenix, Arizona

It's November 11th, and I just planted some daffodil bulbs. This year I decided to go big, so I got Dutch Masters. The first thing to do is to prepare the area for planting, and then place the bulbs where you want them to grow. I always take a photo (the pic up there is a still from a TikTok video, where I'm cycadbrad) and that tells me where they are. Once they're planted, of course, all you see is dirt. I didn't plant them terribly deep, but deeper than iris bulbs (which are planted just below the surface), and I sprinkled a bunch of coffee grounds (which I had been saving up), some good quality potting soil, and then some mulch (I just use the leaves that fall off of my olive tree). I put up a little fence around it because I have a puppy (well, a young dog!) and while she doesn't dig in the garden, fresh soil is just too much of a temptation. Once the bulbs sprout, and have good roots, in about a month or so, I'll take the fencing down. Over the years I...