How much to trim a sago palm

Like everything else in the world, opinions vary, even about how much to trim a sago palm. Since this is the day of the internet, you can find a very wide variety of opinions, all within seconds of Googling. This is my opinion. My goal here at the Tropical Paradise is to have a beautiful, and lush, garden. I like the look of palm trees, but an average suburban lot is way too small for full-size palm trees, which look great from a distance, but up close they're telephone poles. My solution to that problem was to plant sago palms. And I really do want them to look like miniature palm trees, or ferns. So I trim them hard every season. I've had this one for many years, and it's grown to that wonderful point where the trunk is actually a trunk, not just a pineapple shape. And I just love to see the trunk of a palm tree, or sago palm, neatly trimmed. So I trim off all of the previous year's growth. Sago palms, as you know, aren't really palm trees, they're cy...