An easy-to-grow tropical plant for Phoenix, Arizona - sansevieria

To my surprise and delight, the sansevieria pups that I got a couple of years ago are doing great. And I'd never even heard of sansevierias until a gardening friend gave me some pups. I'll see if I can explain. The most common sansevieria that you see around is usually called a "snake plant". If you're old enough, you will remember them being called "mother-in-law's tongue". And the most common variety looks similar to what I have growing here in the garden, but it's just slightly different. It's bluer, and I think that's why it does better in the heat. And it's HOT here. I'm in Glendale, a suburb of Phoenix, and the summer temperatures are always over 100, sometimes getting up in the teens. And since the humidity is very low, a lot of tropical plants won't grow, even if you give them all of the water they want. They simply dry out - I'm talking about most ferns, which I've killed over the years of experimentin...