Sharing a garden with dogs that are bred to dig

I really can't recommend having dachshunds in your garden. As a breed, they're diggers. Digging is what comes naturally to them, so discouraging them from doing it takes some work. It can be done, but it takes patience, and vigilance. When I got my first doxie, over thirteen years ago, there was a lot less temptation for her. Yes, I had a garden, but nothing as elaborate as what I have now. I kept an eye on her, because I could see her all of the time, and if she started digging I would discourage it simply by gently turning her away from it. My new pup, who has been here for only a few months, has been good, but of course I've seen some digging. I've also seen some chewing, and I'm doing the same thing I did for the older doxie - simply watching and correcting immediately. I will physically take her away from things she shouldn't be doing (she only weighs four pounds) or a sharp "no" will stop her. I also have the squirt bottle, for distance co...