Behind the scenes at the Tropical Paradise

I've designed my garden to guide people to enjoy its beauty. There are places to walk, places to stand, places to sit. I dislike gardens that have hoses running across them all of the time, or junk piled up that people have to walk around. That's just poor design. And the solution for that is to do "behind the scenes" stuff. I'll show you around in places that are meant to remain hidden, but are essential. Let's go to the side yard, where the garbage can is. I go there every day, as does my dog, and there's where I put things that are waiting to be planted, or in some way moved. I also store my dog's pooper scooper there, and a shovel. You can also see a hose that I have that wraps back into the space but I can bring into the edge of the garden and use as needed. Water is critical for a garden, but I just hate to see hoses lying around that people have to step over. The hose is in the side yard, well away from where people walk. I have a couple ...