The best hot weather flower for Phoenix, Arizona - Moss Roses

It gets hot in Phoenix. Not mildly hot, but terribly, ridiculously, insanely hot. I mean "fry an egg on the dashboard of your car" hot. 90+ degrees at midnight. Hot hot hot hot. So, you can buy flowers to plant in your garden that garden centers carry, but mostly all they're gonna do is die no matter how careful you are with this, or how much water you give them. You have two choices in the summer, no flowers or Moss Roses. This year I went with the second option, and they look great. I planted them just as summer was starting to heat up (which is like being inside of an oven), and made sure that my automatic watering system watered them every day for fifteen minutes. They started as tiny plants from a six-pack and now look at them! They love the heat, and will only fade away as the weather cools off. The clump pictured above was just about an inch across when planted, and is now over a foot wide. And it requires no maintenance at all. Just look at it. And the co...