Sansevierias in your desert tropical garden

I like the look of a Tropical Paradise, but my garden is in the Phoenix, Arizona area, not Hawaii, so I have more challenges. It gets really hot here in the summer, and it can get to below freezing in the dead of winter, so a lot of tropical plants can't survive here, and even the ones that can survive can look pretty bad, holding on for dear life, which looks kinda sad. So I keep experimenting, and I'm happy with what I've recently discovered: sansevierias. I had never heard of sansevierias until a friend of mine gave me some cuttings last year. I recognized one type as "Mother-In-Law's Tongue", although I guess you're not supposed to call it that anymore, now the common name is snake plant. But that's just one type. As you can see, I have two types that are doing fine here. I wish I could tell you the name of the other one, but I just call it sansevieria. I've never seen it for sale at a nursery, but I probably haven't looked hard enough...