How to plant a tree, and care for it, in Phoenix, Arizona

If you're interested in making the world a little bit better, I have a suggestion: plant a tree, and care for it. If you're like me, living in the Phoenix, Arizona area, you know how wonderful trees can be, providing shade, softening the heat and glare. No, planting a single tree won't create a miracle, Phoenix will still be hot in the summer, but it's small thing that you can do that will help return Phoenix to what it was when the pioneers first began it, an oasis, not a glaring city of concrete and asphalt. I collect old photos of Phoenix, and post them on the internet, and I was surprised to see how much Phoenix had been a forest of trees from territorial times up until the late 20th Century, when most of the trees went away. And no, it's not a conspiracy, man, it's just that trees didn't seem to matter after the invention, and common use of air conditioning. So the trees went away, and more lanes were created for traffic, which moved along with air...