What a cycad flush is

Cycads are interesting plants. They're a group of plants that have a very ancient lineage, before the days of flowering plants. The most common ones are called "sago palms", although they aren't really palms. They look kinda like small palm trees, or large ferns. The ones I like the best are called Dioons, which is what the one at the top of this post is. And it's flushing. Flushing means that it's growing new leaves. If that doesn't impress you, it's understandable, because most plants grow all of the time. Palm trees grow all of the time, ferns grow all of the time. Well, except when it's really, really cold. But cycads only grow once a year, in what is called a flush. Every once in a while one of my cycads will flush twice a year. And heck, I've even seen some flush three times a year, but that's very rare. They usually flush once. Once. And that means that when a cycad starts to flush, it's the most exciting time in the world...