Why the grass turns brown in the winter in Phoenix, Arizona

At the risk of sounding like the Chamber of Commerce, winter never comes to Phoenix. It never snows here, you can go play golf in December, and you would be wise to wear sunscreen in February. So, if you follow my meaning here, the weather is nice. Real nice. And if you're from Minnesota, like I am, it may puzzle you as to why you're seeing brown grass in what seems to be summer. But it's not summer. And the most common grass that is planted here, Bermuda grass, only greens up in the summer, like when it's over 100 degrees. So as late as April (I took the photo above yesterday as I was walking around the local Community College) the grass is still dormant. It was over 80 degrees when I was out walking, so it felt like summer to me, but it isn't summer yet for the Bermuda grass. Now waitaminute, I hear you saying - you've seen nice green grass in the middle of the winter. There's probably green grass at that luxury resort you're staying in right no...