Making your backyard look like a luxury resort - with an umbrella and artificial turf

Before I had artificial turf put in my backyard, I had no furniture out there. Furniture on top of grass kills it, and you have to move the furniture out of the way to mow, and water. So I had no furniture for years and years. I had a chair up on the patio, but that's about it. After the artificial turf was in place (yes, I had it installed by professionals, and that's why it looks so great, even after ten years), I found myself leaving my chair on it. It took me a while for my little brain to figure out that furniture wouldn't "kill" the artificial turf. Then not long after that I got a table, and some chairs. And the finishing touch was an umbrella. Last year I invested in a way cool "tiki" umbrella. Before that I've had less expensive types, but even the simplest umbrella will make your backyard looks like a luxury resort. It's an amazing effect. So if you're thinking of creating the effect of a luxury resort, get some lawn furnit...