How to add rocks to your garden

Rocks can be a wonderful addition to your garden. I'm always anxious to add more, like I did this morning after a friend dropped some off yesterday. But there are a couple of things I've learned. • Don't just have your landscape be rocks. That's what I call a moonscape. I've seen people who, with the best intentions, take beautiful rocks and pile them up all over their yard, maybe with a stray weed or sickly-looking cactus, and make an eyesore out of what could have been a beautiful landscape. The point is that rocks are accent pieces, they're not an entire landscape. Use them with with discretion, or your yard will either look like the moon, or a gravel pit. • Make them look as if they've always been there. I like to find rocks with some jagged edges, and dig them in around my plants, or around the light fixtures. The illusion is that these rocks are buried deep into the ground, and only the tips are showing, like on the top of a mountain. I call t...