How much to water iris in November in Phoenix, Arizona

Irises love water, you can water them all you want here in the Phoenix area. I planted an iris bulb here in Glendale, Arizona (a suburb of Phoenix) on October 10th. The leaves started showing about three weeks later, and now on November 29th, it's growing strong. It will flower in February, and will grow much taller by then. Irises love it here, and they do great. And they LOVE water. In fact, the only time I've ever had problems with them is when they have dried out (the air is very dry here in the desert). They did their best one season many years ago when I forgot to turn off the automatic watering system in the winter. So water them all you want. I fill a watering can with Miracle-Gro and water them whenever the mood strikes me, which is often, sometimes a couple of times a day. No, they won't die if you miss a day, but you don't have to worry about over-watering them. My point here is that if you're one of those people who always fed their goldfish too...