The strange way that Mediterranean palm trees grow

Mediterranean palms do great in the Phoenix area. They don't mind the most intense heat, even in full sun, and they aren't harmed a bit by the coldest temperatures that Phoenix gets to. I have a few of them here, and they're great. But they grow in a strange, bushy, way. So if you're not sure what kind of palm tree you have, and it seems to be growing in a strange way, it may be a med palm. And they sucker. A lot. No, I'm not using a rude word here, that's what those additional sprouts that grow all around the base are called - suckers. Most palm trees sucker, a bit (I notice that my dwarf date palms don't), but med palms go absolutely crazy with the suckers. If you try to cut them back to the main trunk, they will grow back. A lot. If you don't have room for a suckering palm tree, sorry, it's gotta go. Otherwise you'll spend your whole darn life trying to keep those suckers down. Anyway, I like the way med palms create a palm bush. Be...