How, and why, to create a gardener's access path

If you made the mistake of planting plants right up against the base of your house, you have two problems. The worst of which is for your house, as the plants and the moisture are very bad for the foundation and walls, and another is that you have no access to the back side of your plants. I did everything wrong when I bought my house, and planted right up against the the walls. Then I found that it was just about impossible to get in to prune and weed. So little by little, I've been moving the plants away from the walls. And that's a good start, but you also need to provide yourself, the gardener, with access that won't require you to walk in mud. And that means some stepping stones. So the first step is to find some stepping stones. I hate artificial stuff in the garden, so I use big fairly-flat rocks. I dig them down so that they don't wobble, and I check to see that water flows off of them (I don't want to walk on slippery rocks!). The next step is to f...