Growing Dioon spinulosum cycads in Phoenix, Arizona

Yes, you can grow Dioon spinulosum cycads in the Phoenix, Arizona area. I have three, and they have all been here over ten years. I think they're beautiful, as they look either like big ferns or small palm trees. I've never seen them for sale here in the Phoenix area, like at Home Depot or places like that, but they are common in Los Angeles, and are not expensive. That is, they're about the same as a sago palm (cycas revoluta). There are a few tricks to getting Dioon spinulosums to be happy in the desert, though. As you can see in the photo, they like shade. They also like the frost protection provided by a tree. Like all cycads, they only grow once a year in spurts called "flushes", so they use very little water in the summer and none at all in the winter. No, they're not cactuses (cacti?), so you can't just put them in the ground and forget about them, they just about the only way to kill them, or any cycad, is overwatering. Plant them in well-drai...