How to divide and repot Kentia palms

If you have a potful of Kentia palms which have gotten so big for the pot that they're starting to splay out, it's time to repot them. Keep in mind that Kentia palms don't grow with multiple heads, so if there's more than one trunk in the pot, there's more than one tree. I divided four today. I put down an old shower curtain, even though I was working outside. That way I could dump onto the sheet, and then gather stuff up as I needed to. The first thing to do is to get the plants out of the pot. The easiest way is to cut the pot. Kentias can live for a long time in their original pot, but these plants had really gotten too big for it. As you can see, the roots were completely pot-bound. This isn't really so terrible for Kentia palms, which don't mind crowded roots, but these plants had gotten way too top heavy. The idea is to gently tease the plants apart - don't cut the roots. Use your fingers to pull them apart. I cheated a little...