Using your garden for physical therapy

Although gardening doesn't exactly qualify as an "extreme sport", it's what I have been adding to my exercise program for years. It's a wonderful, private place to be. And if you're thinking about doing something like this, I strongly recommend it. Over the years I've added more stuff, but just the garden can give some wonderful therapy both for the body and also for the mind. Here is what works for me: • A private space. This isn't something that I'm comfortable doing in public, even though I'm not really a terribly shy person. It's just that doing this kind of stuff takes focus. It's all about stretching, and moving. You aren't showing off how strong you are, or how fast you can run. This is a very personal thing. I share this with my dog, but that's all. • Physical therapy toys. Yeah, I call them toys. I try new stuff all of the time. As you can see, I have a nice thick yoga mat, with a pillow to support my big old hea...