How to position your outdoor furniture

If you have a beautiful and inviting backyard, people will want to go there. They may want to go look at the plants, but they will probably just want to relax and "soak it all in". And for that, you will need a place for people to sit, and to put down their stuff. That is, tables and chairs. Unfortunately, so many times it becomes a treacherous trek, walking over and around obstacles. So you will need to design it with a little care. Here are some thoughts: • Make it obvious where people should walk. If your garden is a confusing mess of plants scattered all over the place, don't get upset if people walk on top of them. And if all you have is a tiny path of "stepping stones", then you might as well have a sign that says "keep out" of your garden. People hate walking on stepping stones. Making your guests do a "tight rope" walk is no way to have an inviting garden. Give people a place to walk that doesn't include acrobatics, like a go...