How to trim and repot Euphorbia Fire Sticks

Trimming and repotting Euphorbias takes a little bit of care. It's mostly the same as any other plant that has gotten too big for its pot - you trim it back and put it in a slightly larger pot. But these tough plants have a secret weapon - the white sap - which stings like crazy. So be careful! • Before you do anything, put on some gloves. I get the Dollar Store kind, three pairs for a buck and they do just fine for this. You just don't want the sap to touch your skin. No, it won't kill you or turn you into a zombie, but it will hurt. If you do get some on your skin, go wash it off right away. And throw the gloves away when you're done. Euphorbia • Like any other plant that has gotten rangy, or "leggy", trim it back. I took about half of this plant off. Note that I put a paper towel nearby and I immediately transferred the cut shoots into a trash bag. The white goopy sap gets everywhere, and is sticky too, so treat it as if it were "hazardous ...