How to plant succulents from cuttings

In addition to being beautiful and varied plants that do well using very little water, succulents have the advantage of being easy to transplant from cuttings, and pups. In the last year or two I've been getting a lot of cuttings from a friends of mine. His plants are doing so well that really all he is giving me is the trimmings. And that's because succulents do so well that they send off offshoots, which I call pups. It's kind'a like bulbs multiplying, except that it happens above ground. So, instead of throwing the trimmed plant material into the dumpster, my friend puts it in bags and brings it over here. I'm experimenting mostly, and while I have had mostly failure doing this, the successes have been spectacular. This is what I have learned: • Prepare the planting area with free-draining soil. Here in Arizona I like to say that my plants aren't really planted in the ground, they're planted in holes dug in Arizona and filled with potting soil. •...