Creating a criss-cross of tropical foliage
What I am working on now here at The Tropical Paradise I call the *criss-cross*. You can see it happening here in the Dioon Garden, with these cycads. It just means that these types of plants look their best when they are criss-crossing other similar plants. But you have to be careful here. I've found that the elephant ears were getting torn up when they started to criss-cross these cycads (which are sharp), so I moved them away from this area. These dioons are called *spinulosums*, which means spiny, and they are! Mostly these plants don't need any care. They grow slowly, only once a year (like the one in the center is doing) with a flush of new leaves. But it's important that I have access back there, so I can get in and trim and weed. If you look to the right you can see one of the stepping stones that gives me a place to stand when I need to get back there. Cycads are my favorite plants. And if you've never heard of them, that's a shame. They give the il...