Trimming offshoots from a palm tree
This one, in the northeast corner of The Tropical Paradise, is spectacular. It has been growing much faster than the other med palms here, because, well, I really don't know. It's just happy there, I guess. It sits on a hill and gets plenty of water, but otherwise I leave it alone.
Mostly I leave the offshoots alone. After all, a Mediterranean Fan Palm is a bushy, clumping, palm tree. I planted it in this corner to fill up the space, and it's doing it. But today, I crawled around the base and trimmed a bit. I will have flowers coming up in front of it, at the base, and I want them to have a bit of room.
The way I did it was to lay down a tarp and throw the fronds into it. Mediterranean Fan Palm fronds are deadly and sharp, so you have to be careful. Once the tarp is filled, I grab the corners up and, very carefully, take it to the trash.
I've had this plant for many, many years, and I've only trimmed it like this twice.