Moving sago palms from Southern California to the Phoenix, Arizona area

There is no better climate in the world for cycads, such as sago palms, as Southern California. When I lived there in the 1980s, I didn't pay attention to them, but as I visit often, I am amazed at how well they do. In fact, if you just drive around South Pasadena, you will be amazed. If, however, you are moving away from Southern California to the Phoenix, Arizona area, you may be wondering if you can bring your cycads along. Yes, you can. Sago palms do great in the Sonoran Desert, they just need a little extra care. And the really good news is that sago palms transplant easily. They have a shallow root system, and, like bulbs, they store a lot of energy in their trunks. In fact, you can ship them with no roots, and you can leave them sitting around out of the ground for quite a while. So here is the process: It's best to transplant in the spring. You don't need to acclimate them or anything, the weather in Southern California and Phoenix is about the same in March...