Canna for a tropical effect in Phoenix, Arizona

One of the best ways to add a tropical effect is to grow cannas. These are Canna Tropicannas , which like all cannas, grow from an inexpensive bulb and reproduce like crazy. If you live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, I recommend that you try these, but I have learned a few things - here they are: • Plant them in shade or part shade. T hey will try to grow in full sun, but will look terrible, and eventually die. That's morning sun you are seeing in the photo, which is all they get. • Grow them for the leaves, not the flowers. The flowers are nice, but it's the leaves that give that wonderful tropical effect. I let the flowers bloom a little, and then cut the plant back as hard as I can. • Cut them back hard. This bunch was cut to the ground last month. Don't be timid about cutting them, and make sure that you have easy access so you can do it often. These are not "front yard plants". If you see a stalk that's looking straggly, cut it back as far as you ...