The last day of February in The Tropical Paradise

It's February 28th here at The Tropical Paradise, and it's been one of the coldest Februaries I've seen in twenty years. But this morning there is hope. February is usually a time of blooming flowers, and planting, but it hasn't been true this year. I am hoping to see my February flowers bloom in March. And I am still holding off on planting that big sago palm that I have in the courtyard. Cold air temperatures mean cold soil temperatures, which can be fatal to a plant like a sago. The forecast is to be much warmer this weekend, and I believe it. Summer usually comes on very strong here in the Sonoran Desert. It won't be long until we are remembering these cool days fondly! By the way, the little plant there on the tiki bar is a cycad, a dioon spinulosum . I got it for cheap at a Home Depot in Los Angeles. It requires the same care as a cactus or a succulent in a pot, just sneeze on it every once in a while, that's all. It's overwatering that will ki...