An overcast winter's day in The Tropical Paradise

We don't get a lot of overcast days here in the Phoenix, Arizona area. There really isn't any rain in the air, it's just kind'a grey. I noticed that the weather page is forecasting "episodes of sunshine". An interesting turn of phrase! Anyway, as you can see, there isn't much happening. It got down into the thirties again last night (just above freezing) but although it bothered the more tender plants on the other side of the yard, these plants are fine. The purple petunias, at the base of the little palm tree, have not grown much. Hopefully they are establishing a strong root structure and will start moving next month. The honeysuckle, towards the back, is now in need of a little trim. I like it to vine a bit, but now it's starting to look very untidy. I think I'll wait for one of those episodes of sunshine.