Ice plant failure

I usually try to remain optimistic about The Tropical Paradise, but I have to say that ice plant has been a failure here. I'm in Glendale, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix, and now I know that just a little change in elevation can be very meaningful to plants. In the photo you can see (just barely!) ice plants that didn't die. But that's all I can say for them. They have not grown at all. In my mind I pictured them spreading out all over, creating a beautiful carpet of their silvery-green leaves. Instead, they just sit there.

I visited The Boyce Thompson Arboretum last spring and marveled at their display of ice plant. Unfortunately, they are at 2,400 feet elevation and here in Glendale is about 1,000 feet lower. And it made all of the difference.
How I pictured my ice plant would look. This is at The Boyce Thompson Arboretum


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