Big Elephant Ear

While gardening is something that is normally associated with the ladies, believe me, we men like it, too. And men seem to have a tendency to be, well, guys. And I definitely fall into that category when I look at my Elephant Ears. They are big!

There seems to be a real appeal for middle-aged guys to grow gigantic plants. If you Google "giant pumpkins", you will see. And I think that I can confidently say that my Elephant Ears win the prize for the largest Elephant Ears in The Tropical Paradise.

I wish I could take credit for this, but I really can't. These plants were tiny bulbs that I got permission to take from a friend's garden in Los Angeles many years ago. I planted them all over The Tropical Paradise and most died. The ones that lived are in the shade of the house in the wettest area. It's October now and the weather is still plenty warm during the day, and down into the 50s and 60s at night. These Elephant Ears have survived freezing temperatures, although their leaves turn to mush. But the bulbs survive and grow right back every year.


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