Mid-July in the Sonoran Desert

Like everyone else who lives in the Sonoran Desert, which is where the city of Phoenix, Arizona is, I swear it gets hotter every year. I promise myself to not look at the sunburn damage, and be patient, but it's hard. It seems like the heat came on very fast this year! But at least now we're now entering the rainy season. Thankfully, the Sonoran Desert has thunderstorms in the summer. It's still brutally hot, but at least it's not dry. And while humans don't like heat and humidity, plants do.

Here is a shot I took a few minutes ago of Trilobite Reef. As you can see, the cannas look pretty sunburned. They are still growing strong, and will look fine in a couple of months, but in the meantime, well, they just look sad. There is sunburn all over the place, unfortunately, but I would like to focus on what is doing surprisingly well, and that's the portulaca (moss rose). You can see the two bright green clumps of it with the light purple flowers. I planted a lot of these, from an inexpensive six-pack. Wish that I had planted more! Will do next season.

Also the hawaorthia seems be doing very well. This area gets a massive amount of reflected heat from the rocks and the flagstone. I've been tempted to put up a temporary shade cloth here, but I probably won't. I'll just plant more portulaca. They love the blistering sun and do best with a lot of water.


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