Report on Sparaxis

In addition to planting a lot of freesia this season, I planted sparaxis for the first time. To be fair, being compared to freesia is pretty harsh competition, because freesia is absolutely beyond belief beautiful, both in the leaf structure and the profusion of blooms. Here are some stray thoughts on sparaxis. I am finding that the majority of them haven't bloomed and the leaves are already starting to look ragged and yellowish as if they are beginning to die back. This flower (pictured) is in an area that I hadn't originally set aside for sparxis, having more shade and more water. From what I had read, sparaxis does well in hotter areas with sandier soils, but it doesn't seem to be the case here. The temperature here is still cool, but getting warmer fast, and I fear for the ability of the sparxis in the hotter areas to have a chance to bloom at all this season. Well, I'm experimenting mostly. Another consideration with sparasix is that the flowers close at nigh...