Daffodil buds beginning to form

My earliest-blooming daffodils are grandifloras that I got at the local 99-cent store a couple of years ago. A flower that is a grandiflora just means that there are multiple blooms on each stem. These are smaller than my King Alfred daffodils, which I prefer, but are still nice, and they bloom a whole month earlier. I see by checking back on my records that they were in full bloom on January 9th of last year, so they should be opening up pretty soon!

Below them you can see the alyssum which I grew from seed this year. The idea is for the alyssum to spread out like a *carpet of snow* (which is the variety's name) around the base of the daffodils.

Rocks serve two functions in my garden. First of all, they look nice, especially around blooming bulb plants, and secondly, they help to remind me where the water and electrical lines are!


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