Life is good at The Tropical Paradise

It's November 5th and this is what we here in the Sonoran Desert have been waiting for - cooler temperatures! This is the time to sit back and enjoy your tropical paradise. Here I am with Macintosh, the good little wiener dog. She is still keeping a sharp eye out for geckos!

On the table is my coffee and next to it is my iPod with my little portable speaker. Here is a blog post from my professional blog on how to use a portable speaker with your iPod.

Right now I am listening to an audiobook of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which I downloaded from my local library. I wish that I could even begin to tell you what a glorious day it is here in Arizona, but maybe you can tell from my smile. If you live back east, eat your heart out! If you live here, get out there and enjoy!

Life is good.


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