Growing backyard lettuce in Arizona

My lettuce seeds have all germinated wonderfully. The problem is that, in the area that I have dedicated to lettuce, the tiny seedlings poke their little heads up and promptly die. This is due to two factors here at The Tropical Paradise - the unusual heat and dryness, and the big clumsy feet of my wiener dog, Macintosh.

So I am trying something new today. I watched a video on how to prick out seedlings, which I hadn't really realized that you could, or should do, and I have started transplanting the seedlings that are big enough to move. I have also added a bit of protection, a paper coffee cup with the bottom cut off, which should be enough to re-route little wiener dog feet.

I have another 36 seedlings doing well in the little plastic greenhouse tray, and if this works, I will start to transplant them to the "official lettuce area", which is near my dining room window. My goal is to create a "kitchen garden" that is just a few steps away from the door. Fresh lettuce is wonderful!


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