Enjoying The Tropical Paradise

A backyard in Arizona is a wonderful place to be. Here Macintosh, the good little wiener dog, is doing some yoga and some light exercise. On the steps tool is an iPod with a tiny iHome speaker, which works great for listening to audiobooks and music.

Underneath the Phoenix rupicola x reclinata palm tree, which I planted this past summer, is the tiny beginning sprouts of Sparaxis. And in the open area, about where Macintosh is looking, I have planted freesia, which should be sprouting soon. It will bloom in the spring and have a beautiful fragrance, too.

The temperature here has finally broken. It was downright cold last night, getting into the fifties (F). The forecast is for the high seventies today, which is absolutely glorious. Crystal-clear blue skies and the slightest hint of a breeze. No better place to be than in The Tropical Paradise!


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