Planting alyssum with bulbs for beauty and fragrance

One of the best combinations that you can do in the garden is to plant alyssum at the *feet* of your bulbs. This will give a nice floral effect on the ground (instead of just seeing dead leaves and dirt) and has the bonus of adding a wonderful fragrance to your garden. The trick to this is timing, and using the smallest alyssum plants that you can. This is how you do it - • Plant the bulbs in nice, rich potting soil. I use Miracle Grow Moisture Control®. No, they don't pay me to advertise it, but they should! I also add in more slow-release plant food and polymer moisture crystals. In this area, I have planted Sparaxis. • When the bulbs start sprouting, that tells you where to plant the alyssum. Very carefully plant the alyssum between the sprouting bulbs. You won't have much room, but if you get little tiny plants, you won't need much room. I've started mine from seed and they are about two months old, which is just perfect. Don't worry if they droop over...