Coleus sprouting from seed

It took about 10 days for the coleus seeds to sprout in the little pots in the courtyard. Elsewhere they haven't shown up. This is the first year that I have tried to grow coleus from seed, so I have planted them all over The Tropical Paradise. My understanding is that they need light to sprout, but not too much. So I have them planted in lots of different ways and am watching to see what works.

What is working here appears to be in a shady area where the potting soil never really gets a chance to dry out, which is in my courtyard. As you can see, I created a pot out of newspaper, which I discovered on YouTube, a pot out of a used jello single-serving container, and a pot out of a cup from some fertilizer. They are sitting in a plastic container that helps hold the moisture in also. So it may be too dry elsewhere in the garden, because this looks pretty consistently soggy.

Planting seeds is like waiting for water to boil. The trick is to not pay attention. But if you just leave the seedling alone to die, that isn't good, either. So it's been a balance between keeping an eye on them and giving them time to grow.

So, do they look like the picture on the package yet? How about now?


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