Dioon spinulosum flushing

My Dioon spinulosum cycad which is just around the corner from my patio started flushing a couple of weeks ago. It looks like the leaves have reached their final length, but they are still a little soft. The flush will be finished when the leaves harden off. Oddly enough, the spinulosum just a few feet away, which is in much more shade, hasn't started to flush at all, and it's the last day of May. If you look closely, you will also see some new leaves on the little zamia cycad just next to it. Zamias are so variable that, unless it's a typical Zamia furfurecea (cardboard palm), I just call them all zamias . In Florida, they are called coonties. The plant in the upper left corner is not a cycad, it's a Phoenix roebellini palm tree (a dwarf date palm), as is the trunk that is leaning in the upper right. These plants really didn't like the cold last winter, but are growing strong now that the temperatures have gone back up. The mulch that you see in the garde...