Cannas returning

It's getting on to the middle of April now and the Canna Tropicannas are coming back strong. After the big freeze of the winter of 2010/2011, I cut them all back to the ground. I've had them in the ground for several years now and I realize that it is the severe cutting back that gives them that beautiful, rich, color.

Still no sign of life on the Zamia furfurcea (cardboard palm), which is just a stump now and is hiding behind the cannas and the ornamental garlic. Macintosh, the good little wiener dog, is watching and waiting for it to grow back. It will!

The daffodils are fading away and hopefully the cannas will overshadow them. Daffodils need to die back normally, otherwise there won't be any blooms next year. At this time of year, it's hard to look at. But spring is in the air!


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