Workout area at The Tropical Paradise

If you live in paradise, like I do, and are fortunate enough to work from home (I'm a web designer), your tropical paradise is a great way to get a little workout in. The first thing that you will need is artificial turf. That way, in addition to having something that requires no maintenance, there is also no mud, or water, to spoil the workout. I have a plain beach towel and an outdoor pillow that I bought at Target. Wrapped around the olive tree is a resistance band, and on the table are some light weights. Next to the pillow are some pushup handles. Outdoors is not the place for a serious workout - it's a place to get away from your computer for a while. Sometimes I go out there are read, and sometimes I do a little stretching and exercise. Luckily, Macintosh, the good little wiener dog, is always there to help! I've lived here in Arizona (and for a few years in California) since I was 19 and am always saddened to see backyards neglected or turned into dumps. Right n...