Daffodils blooming at The Tropical Paradise

The Tropical Paradise looks pretty sad after the two big freezes this winter, but the daffodils are returning, which adds a cheerful note. These are King Alfreds, purchased at a 99-cent store here in Glendale a couple of years ago. All they need to keep coming back is a little fertilizer and a little water. We just got a nice gentle rain last night, which is not only good for the plants, it's good for the grout that I just put in between the flagstone on Friday and Saturday. The three cycads that you see there are dioon edule, variety palma sola. They do great in both heat and cold. I don't know why they are not planted more often here in the desert! In the corner is a mediterrean fan palm, which does very well here in the Phoenix, Arizona area. If you want to see some big, beautiful specimens, drive around Sun City!