Getting Cape Honeysuckle to bloom

Cape honeysuckle is one of my favorite plants for the Tropical Paradise for so many reasons. First of all, it loves heat, which is important here in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The foliage is a beautiful deep-green and vining in shape. The flowers are just the right color and shape to attract hummingbirds, and best of all, it blooms in the winter! To help your cape honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis ) bloom, put away the hedge trimmers! Instead, get your garden shears and trim by hand. Look at what you are doing. Look for buds and be sure to leave them alone. Trim back the rest of the shoots as hard as you want. Cape honeysuckle can grow up to be very tall, or it can be kept trimmed down to any size you want. I keep mine at just a few feet tall. I am looking for blooms. And hummingbirds! Cape Honeysuckle flower bud beginning to form.