Snow in the desert

The temperature has dropped dramatically here in the Sonoran Desert, after the day of rain yesterday. It's now in the mid-forties and with a bitterly cold wind. We had some light rain this morning, which turned, for just a few moments, to snow flakes. The last time I saw snow flakes here in the desert was back in 1990. They are very, very, tiny, and perfectly round. You have to look fast!

The forecast is for 27 degrees (F) tonight, so cover your tender tropicals. I don't have bougainvillea, but that should definitely be covered. If you have any Phoenix roebellini (Dwarf Date Palms) that are small or were just planted this past year, cover them. If you have any tiny cycads out in exposed areas (and you shouldn't!), cover them. Your Cycas revolutas (Sago palms) don't need to be covered tonight. Dioon edule, var. edule will be OK if it's fairly large, Dioon edule, var. palma sola will be fine. Dioon spinulosum, if small or newly planted, could use a cover tonight.

You can use an expensive "frost cover", but you don't have to, an ordinary old bed sheet will work just as good. But never, ever, use plastic! Be sure to uncover the plants first thing in the morning as the sun begins to hit them.


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