Frost Damage at The Tropical Paradise, December 31st, 2010

We got a good freeze last night here in Glendale, Arizona. Not unusual for this time of year here. I just walked around the backyard and looked at the damage, nothing really severe. My Zamia furfuracea got some frost damage, interestingly, only on one side, which surprised me. It shows that cold air flows and location makes a big difference, even if it's only a matter of inches! The purple color on the leaves will get worse with time, and those leaves will need to be trimmed off. But remember that it's best to wait until all danger of frost has past before you do any trimming! Trimming now can be fatal to a plant. Leave it alone, try not to look at it. Macintosh, the good little wiener dog, helped me record this video taken at 10:30 am. That is, until it got too cold for her and she scampered inside! It's about 35 (F) right now.