Morning in The Tropical Paradise

My favorite part of the day to be in Tropical Paradise is in the morning. I'm a web designer and illustrator, so I work out of my house. And the first thing I do in the morning is to take my coffee outside and ponder the day. I inspect the garden, checking to see if any new bulbs are coming up, which they are, and just generally enjoying the fruits of my labor.

It's late October now, and the temperatures in the morning are dipping down into the fifties. During the day it gets up to the high seventies, but right now it's a little bit chilly for Macintosh, the good little wiener dog. You can just see her barely poking out of her doggie door on the left.

This area still look a little bare after being cut back after the freak hailstorm we had here a few weeks ago. You can see the elephant ears coming back strong. The cycads and palms weren't damaged by the hail, luckily. Since the plants have been cut down so much in this area, you can see how I have the watering system set up on little timers. The one on the left controls the misting system, and the one on the right controls the drip irrigation. Even though I'm a computer guy, I like the simplicity of these timers, which are set with a simple dial and run on AA batteries. No need to program these!

But, even with an automatic system, I recommend keeping a close eye on things. It's not a problem for me, I like going out to The Tropical Paradise! Excuse me, I think I'd like to go there now.


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